Equipment Rental


Nobesco owns equipment that can be rented to fill your specific construction needs.

Fast Shipping Boat

2 engines of 200HP
High-speed transportation

Cargo Barge

Sections of 8 by 20 feet

Cargo Barge

18 by 32 feet
The best for extra transportation

Floating Docks

500 linear feet available
Allows workers to get on site faster

«Razorback 12HD» Concrete Finishing Machinery

Available accessories: Finishing gateway, supports, tracks and junction for multifunctional track
Meets MTQ and CSST standards

«Gomaco C450» Concrete Finishing Machinery

Available accessories: Finishing gateway,
supports and tracks

Meets MTQ and CSST standards

Telescopic «Skytrack»
Forklift Truck

Model 8042


Model Daewoo LCV 225
Certified organic oil for projects

Contact us now for rental